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Special Thanks to the Following for Their Generous Contributions and Support |
Phillip Armstrong, Aurora Public Library, Sherman Balogh, Leora Barak, David Barrows, David Basskin, Randy Brown, Torrey Byles, Jana Campbell, Max Canadine, Henry Chausovsky, Luke Chawrun, Stella Crouch, James Cummins, John Cummins, Leo Cummins, Rob Cummins, Cummins Hydraulics, Wilbur Fletcher, Judith Goldman, Ronen Grunberg, Graham Hubbs, Davut Hydyrov, Eric Kam, Vassilli Kolomatski, Halnya Kostiuk, Doug Krever, Shishir Lakhani, Howard Leznoff, Madhavendra Lobel, John Moniz, Partagez le francais York Region, George Perendia, Bernadette Pryde, Janice Malone, the late Maurice Malone, Alla Marchenko, Viktoriya Marchenko, Jodi Marr, Royal Bank of Canada, John Smithin, Town of Aurora, Jana Tuscher, Andrey Tytchino, Guillaume Vallet, Veronica Vicherek, Brenda Spotton Visano, Leo Zelmanovitz, Sylva Zyba.