Talk by Alla Marchenko at the Fall Philosophy Social Party, 12.10.2023

Talk by Alla Marchenko

(API Fall Social Party @ Aw Shucks, Aurora 12.10.23)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to you all for coming out this evening and making this such an enjoyable occasion. Thanks to Shishir & Ronen for their inspirational talks. We plan to organize more social events this year if possible. We think that it is a  great addition to the Zoom meetings if we can do this once in a while.

There will be another event next Friday October 20, at Aurora Town Hall with MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy -  at around (detail to be announced later). We can take up to 10 participants to that. Please let me know right now, or later by e-mail, if you would like to attend -

In future also on Thursday evenings (like this one) there is going to be a new Zoom program - The Philosophy Discussion Program - this will be a bit different to Tuesdays - we will play a relatively short pre-recorded video. Quality guaranteed! Then we will have  a live discussion. The dates so far are Nov 02, Nov 09, Nov 23 & Dec 07 @ 7.00pm.