Philosophy in Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal
This is Sherman Balogh's presentation to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on June 27, 2023.
This is Sherman Balogh's presentation to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on June 27, 2023.
Presentation on the Philosophy in Fritz Lang's M given to the Aurora Philosophy Institute members on June 27, 2023
Presentation on the Philosophy in Woody Allen's Match point given to the Aurora Philosophy Institute members on June 27, 2023
Think Like a Vegan Presentation given by Emilia Leese to the Aurora Philosophy Institute -- May 23, 2023
Think Like a Vegan Discussion -- May 23, 2023
This Aurora Philosophy Institute presentation was given by Henry Chausovsky on Tuesday April 25, 2023.
This Aurora Philosophy Institute presentation was given by Henry Chausovsky on Tuesday April 25, 2023.
Presentation by Graham Hubbs on Elizabeth Anscombe's moral philosophy and her problem with Consequentialism -- presented to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on March 28, 2023.
Discussion led by Graham Hubbs on Elizabeth Anscombe's moral philosophy and her problem with Consequentialism -- presented to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on March 28, 2023.
Tom Muench speaks to the Aurora Philosophy Institute Tuesday November 22 on Governance and (Local) Government in Ontario.
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