The Ontology of Money Part II Developments in Philosophy Presentation
This is the second part of Tory Byles' presentation on the Philosophy of Money -- Presented via Zoom on December 13, 2022. (Presentation)
This is the second part of Tory Byles' presentation on the Philosophy of Money -- Presented via Zoom on December 13, 2022. (Presentation)
Torrey Byles speaks to the Aurora Philosophy Institute about the Ontology of Money and Paradigm Shifts in Philosophy and Economics since Adam Smith.
In this video Dave Barrows grades the philosophy of Any Rand. This presentation was originally given to the members of the Aurora Philosophy Institute on June 28, 2022.
This presentation by Shishir Lakhani was given to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on May 24, 2022. The presentation is an overview of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Adi Shankracharya (Sankara), and Guru Nanak.
This is the discussion that followed Shishir Lakhani's presentation that was given to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on May 24, 2022. The presentation is an overview of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Adi Shankracharya (Sankara), and Guru Nanak.
Presentation by Steve Pressman to the Aurora Philosophy Institute on April 26, 2022.
Ronen Grunberg and John Smithin discuss whether Marshall McLuhan subscribes to philosophical realism or critical realism. This video is an addendum to Ronen Grunberg's presentation "Addicted to Media".
Will Fletcher talks with John Smithin and illustrates the importance of visuals and graphics to knowledge -- a picture is worth a thousand words.
In this Highlight from Hillsdale College’s FREE online course, “Introduction to Western Philosophy,” Dr. Nathan Schlueter describes Plato’s famous allegory of the cave and reveals how education can break us from the images that blind us from seeing reality.
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