Comments on Ronen Grunberg’s Presentation on Marshall McLuhan – Tuesday March 22, 2022 – by John Smithin

This was a very interesting presentation and is highly recommended viewing on the API YouTube channel. The purpose of this note is to comment on a particular slide in the section about the  ‘moral aspects’ of new media  (slide #36 to be precise). McLuhan is trying to provide some sort of antidote to the overwhelming effects of one particular medium rather than another. For example, if you are watching too much television, switch it off and read a book.

Comments on Louis-Phillipe Rochon’s Presentation on ‘Stagflation’ to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ottawa, March 24, 2022– by John Smithin

Hi Louis-Phillipe,

Thank you for sending me the link to this webinar! I was very interested to hear your views on stagflation and you did not disappoint. I have been trying to work out in my mind where I differ from you, and it is not very much. However, there are some subtle points.

The Strange Case of David Graeber by David Barrows

David Graeber was considered one of the world's leading anthropologists. His recent publication, The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity, co-written with archaeologist David Wengrow, was published posthumously in 2021. It provides a reinterpretation of established anthropological theory. An organizer and intellectual leader of the activist left on both sides of the Atlantic, he is credited with helping launch the Occupy Wall Street Movement and coin its slogan, “We are the 99 percent.”

Lyrics to 'Let's Face the Music and Dance' by Irving Berlin from the Astaire/Rogers film 'Follow the Fleet' (1936) - a message for today (2022)?

There may be trouble ahead
But while there's music and moonlight
And love and romance
Let's face the music and dance

Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill
And while we still have the chance
Let's face the music and dance

Soon, we'll be without the moon

'Sexism in Women’s Sports History' from ‘That Can’t Be True!’ (Seattle NOW) by Youth Director of the API, Stella Crouch, and fellow NOW writer Katie Marie

It feels as though we should have left behind old sexist ideas around women’s health and anatomy, however it is frightening just how many of them seem to have stuck around and still play a role in society's perceptions of women in sports. While this article obviously can’t cover all of the instances in which oppressive patriarchal ideas impact modern women’s sports we hope to highlight a few.