‘Hedy Lamarr’ from the ‘Inspiring Women Series’ (Seattle NOW) - by Youth Director of the API, Stella Crouch

Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and inventor who pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for today’s WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems. However like many women before and after her she is not credited or remembered for all that she did especially as an inventor, a field that rarely allowed women in the door.

Some Philosophical Quotes Attributed to Albert Einstein – Hat-tip Alla Marchenko

“I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.”

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.”

‘INSPIRING QUEER WOMEN’ from “THAT CAN’T BE TRUE!” (Seattle NOW) – with a contribution by Youth Director of the API, Stella Crouch

“That Can’t Be True!”

is a new monthly feature on the Seattle NOW website where we’ll share young feminist opinions on various images, articles, poems, books, and experiences. All of the content that will be posted caught our attention at one point and quite literally made us think, “that can’t be true!”

French Lyrics to Leonard Cohen’s ‘Bird on the Wire’ (translated by Serge Lama):

Paroles : Vivre tout seul / Bird on the wire 

Je veux vivre 
Tout seul 
Libre comme 
Un oiseau sur son fil 
Sans famille 
Sans femme 
Et sans amis 

Je veux vivre 
Tout seul 
Rien que moi 
De face et de profil 
Sans visa 
Sans papiers 
Et sans pays 

J'en ai marre 
De toujours faire le beau 
De sourire 
Quand j'ai mal dans mon coeur 
J'en ai marre 
Je veux monter plus haut 

Debt by David Barrows


Personal and public debts are contentious issues. Emotions with respect to debt can be very strong. There may, as well, be religious connotation. What are the emotional issues of having a debt obligation? Have we borrowed for consumption or for purposes of productive investment? The emotional issues complicate the scientific exploration of appropriate levels of private and public debt obligations.