UFOs, Fallout Shelters and the Immortal One, by Dave Barrows

There have been a number of recent sightings of UFOs. Such activity appears to occur in clusters. One of the more famous clusters occurred in the 1950s. The 1950s was a period of great uncertainty and tension. The UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) hysteria of the 1950s refers to a period when there was a surge in reports of sightings of unidentified flying objects and claims of encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

Monetary Policies for Dummies? - by John Smithin

I originally wrote this piece for the Monetary Policy Blog edited by Professor Louis-Phillipe Rochon. In it, I suggested that that the Bank of Canada should cut its policy rate of interest to 4.4%. Then on 07.06.2023 some friends, who pay more attention to the mainstream media (MSM) than I do (not in itself a very difficult task), texted or messaged me with the news that the B of C had actually raised the rate to 4.75%. I believe the appropriate response is LOL?

Be Philosophical, by Dave Barrows 

I have heard this phrase repeated many times: “Be Philosophical”. In fact, I have used the term whilst having an unpleasant conversation. It is one of those phrases that says everything and means nothing or says nothing and means everything. 

But what does it actually mean? Let's ask our new friend “Chat”: 

“What does it mean when you tell someone to be philosophical after they tell you that they have cancer 

The Parable of How a Father Showed His Son What People Think - (hat-tip Alla Marchenko)

They both boarded a donkey and rode to nearby villages. In the first, they were called out and 

shamed for the fact that the two of them rode an animal without sparing him. The father in tears. 

In the second village, they shamed the son, for the fact that he is not kind to his father, who is 

What is the metaphysical significance of Mickey Mouse, by chat gpt (Dave Barrows)

Mickey Mouse, created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, is one of the most iconic and enduring fictional characters in popular culture. While the metaphysical significance of Mickey Mouse can be subject to interpretation, it's important to note that metaphysical perspectives can vary greatly among individuals. Here are a few possible interpretations: